Dear me,
You need to just keep going. Hard to say when you feel like giving up, right? Although there maybe something that you may have missed. You have been so strong doing things on your own that you haven’t noticed that you are actually doing it. You are battling something that was meant for you. You are stronger than you think you are. You know why I think that? It’s because you have been through so much before and you came out even stronger than before.
Why do you think that you are not worthy? It’s saddening to hear yourself say that. If only you knew what I knew or see what I see. Then and only then would you truly believe in yourself? But if you did, would you actually believe in it?
I hope you do. I hope that one day you start to challenge yourself and you continue to challenge yourself every day. Not for others but for yourself. A proof that you need to prove to yourself that you are more than you think you are in this world.
I pray that you give yourself the grace or a break for doing all that you have done. The permission to forgive your past mistakes behaviors or actions. Give you’re doubts, your insecurities a rest to any judgements that you may think. While you’re at it if you feel others have doubts against you, bypass them and place them where they belong, in your past. Keep moving forward. Just know that nobody is perfect, and you shouldn’t always strive to be perfect for others. Strive to be perfect for yourself and only yourself.
If you do mess up on something, don’t feel bad about it, learn from it, use it. Learn how to not do it again and be wise to teach others as to what to look out for, if ever they are in a particular situation.
Always remember that you are only one person and that you do not have to do everything alone. Lay down your plate when it is too full to carry. Do at least one thing a day, for yourself, and be proud of it. No matter how small the accomplishment is.
Last but not least, don’t ever think that ‘taking time for yourself’ is selfish. Everybody needs to take time to reflect on themselves, sort of like a reboot on life.
So be kind to yourself. You only have one body, one mind, one life. Cherish what you have. If you don’t have it, by all means fight for it. Fight for what you want. You deserve to have a wonderful life, just like everyone else and don’t allow anyone to tell you any different.
With all of my heart keep going, don’t’ give up on yourself. If you need motivation, devout it to something special to you. A Child, a fur baby, write down your goals, your dreams. Just don’t ever give up on yourself. Believe in yourself that this will pass, and you will be happy again. The bad times never last forever. They are only a chapter of your life, not a life sentence.
Stay you and stay true.
Sincerely Me