Building beaded wax candles with kids

Assorted-color Pillar Candles

Over the weekend, it was just too cold to go out and play. So, we stayed in and made candles out of wax beads.

The box that we received at Walmart was an ultimate candle making kit. It came with three glass containers, three wicks, seven different color wax beads and a stick to make designs.

My daughter picked out her container, then I, with the last we decided to do one together. I helped get hers together and just watched as she filled to make her colored candle. She was very careful in pouring in the wax.

When she was done, it was my turn to make mine. She held the wick still as I began to pour the wax in. When I was done poring, I asked her as to what color I should choose next. This lets her know that I value her opinion. Which I love to see where her imagination takes her.

Finally, we came to the third container. We decided that we would go back in forth in filling it. Even though it was supposed to be my choice in choosing a color, I still asked my daughter as to which one I should choose next.

The stick that I had mentioned was a designing stick. I picked up my container and started sticking at the sides to make a star like shape all around although it was just an upside-down triangle. My daughter saw what I was doing and wanted to try it as well.

When done, you have to press down the wax to compact it, then leave it out for 24 hours before lighting it.

The 24-hour mark came, and my daughter was so excited to light it. When we did it was just an ordinary candle to me but to her, she was so proud of what she made. Which she should be, because she made it. The excitement it in her eyes was amazing to see!

If you need something to do with your kid or kids, I highly recommend doing this fun activity. Now it’s for 8+ kids but if you do go younger just be mindful with your kids to keep them safe and watch them closely.

Let me know what you and your kids do. Was it fun for them and for? You let me know down below. Till then talk to you later.