Things to do with your child.
Every year, this is the day that my kid looks forward to, to where she can dress up and get candy. With each year, it has been a memorable experience.
Growing up, we couldn’t wait to get home, get our homework done, eat dinner, dress warmly, if needed too, then put on our costumes, then go!
Now our transportation was always different from time to time seeing we always moved. So, we either moved to a neighborhood surrounded by houses or to a country house where we had to pack up and go to a nearby neighborhood or a neighborhood that mom knew and trusted. I do, however, remember either walking, roller blading, or using my scooter to go from house to house. There were even days that mom would park the car and walk with my brother and I or she would simply drive behind or in front of us.
The moment of truth was when we got home. My brother and I would dump our bags, which were normal brown grocery bags, out in different piles and our mother would have to “inspect” the candy to see if it was safe for us, because there are some weirdos out there. After the inspection was done, we were free to enjoy our candy, which only meant we were allowed to have five pieces, if it was a school night and seven if it was the weekend. “There was no getting sick!” Our mother would always say.
Although the next day, after the “inspection” we always managed to be missing some candy. The Candy thief always struck when we slept…….hmmm coincidence.
Even to this day some of those traditions are past down. My daughter comes home we do homework together, eat dinner, dress warmly, put the costumes on. Our transportation, seeing that we live in the country, we do go to a county that I know best and grew up in. I park and my daughter and I walk around to collect her candy. She has yet the desire or need to use her skates or her scooter, but we will see. The difference is that I park the car, and I have to use a book bag to carry all the candy that my daughter collects. Yeah, I wrote that correctly, we bring home a huge bookbag, full of candy.
When we get home, we do dump out the bag and it seems like a never-ending abundance of sugar. I check the candy, because you know, the weirdos of the world are coming out of the woodwork, you can’t be too careful. So, you see traditions never change. So, the same goes, school night five pieces only and if it’s a weekend seven is allowed. Seeing that Halloween this year is on a Thursday, only five pieces.
It’s funny I don’t remember what my costumes were growing up, but I do remember my daughters. From birth to now, I can recall what she was each year for Halloween. I have to say it has been such an experience, to see how much she has she changed in her thought process. To see how much she has wanted to be different characters over the years.
So, I wanted to share my experience with you all and wish you all a Happy Halloween. Please, please be safe out there tonight. I hope that you and your kiddos have a fun experience.