
“Everyone has a chapter they don’t read out loud.”

-Mel Robbins


Some people may think that their life is an open book, that they have nothing to hide. Others may have a steal trap for a book and is always hiding something. Very few think that they don’t have a story to tell because of their background. However, you may look at it that EVERYONE has a story to tell. It may not be what you want to hear, then again it could be something that you need to hear. It just depends on how well you listen, and where your level of caring would fit in.

There will be chapters of your life where you will think that you have the worst life, more than anybody else in the whole world. Like your car broke down, house caught on fire, your dog died, etc. Just one bad thing leading to another in a consistent circle.

Then there are chapters that are the most joyous. You get engaged, you get married, get a new car, house, dog, baby etc. These you hope will continue but like life it changes.

Life is full changes, sort of like the seasons. You know summer, fall, winter, spring. Constantly changing and like books they constantly change with chapters. With each ending of a chapter, should remind you that nothing bad always remains. You may not like it right now, nor does anyone else, but don’t let it define you. Instead, with each chapter use it as a learning curve. If it’s bad, learn from it, if its good then rejoice within the good times. Just remember the season/ chapters, they don’t last forever. Just prepare for the next season/chapter that’s coming. Meaning your story isn’t over and something exciting is coming. It may not be instant, but something will happen that will definitely be worthwhile.

road, forest, fall

Not everyone likes to tell the whole world as what they are going through. Some like the attention while others do it for the therapy reasons like, privately, like me. So, depending on the person or situation you may have to take it slow, with the conversation. Listen to what they have to say. Allow them to get things off their chest.

If you ever come across bad times, ask yourself, what season/chapter am I in? Then you need to laugh or cry about it but, don’t’ be there for too long. Simply turn the page and move on.

The one thing I want you to know is to be proud of your story. Look at how far you’ve come and look as to what you’ve overcome from that time. Remember when you thought that you wouldn’t be able to get over that “bad time?” Well look at you now. What you did then will continue to make you strong for your next chapter.

Keep your head up and keep going. Stay positive and you will get what you deserve.