“A girl who is going to do big things- cannot let small things get to her.”
-Found quote on Tumbler

This is so true. If you want your goals or dreams to happen, you cannot allow other people’s criticisms lead you to your own undoing.
If you allow this to happen then you wouldn’t have the courage to continue. So, in order to do that you must stay, remain, brave and strong. Use those criticisms to your advantage, a lesson, if you may, to make it better, so you may reach your goal.
Don’t allow others unhappiness ruin yours. They just want someone to fail along with them. Heck, if you’re successful enough, your happiness could encourage them to accomplish their own life dreams and goals.

I know a lot of times, for me, I let my fear get the best of me. Lucky for me, I have family and friends who encourage me to keep going. Then there are others who are not so lucky and that is when you will have to learn to become really dangerous. To really dig within yourself to pull that belief out and hold it within your hands and claim it!
With fear, as simple as it sounds, it can put a stop in your step. You just have to keep telling yourself that you can do this, because you can. Just kick that thought to the side and continue walking on to your destination.
I know, sometimes, it’s you who is saying that you can’t but don’t believe it! You have to dive deeply within to believe in yourself because only you can make that next move in your journey. Only you can talk to yourself into actually doing it.

Cause in the end, if everyone has left and there is only you. Best believe, there will be a time where you will feel that enough is enough and you will start taking charge of what you want done in your life.
So, do me a favor, believe in yourself and don’t allow others to bring you down. You are remarkable, and you are worthy to have as much happiness as the next person.
As always be well and be kind with yourself.