What should I do if I feel like I am losing my friend?

Dear me,

Recently you’ve been questioning yourself about your friendship status. You even questioned about if you are even good friends anymore.

Well, let’s stop that thinking right now. If your intention was only to look out for the other person, then you are not a bad person or friend. People will be people, and you cannot control anybody. Thats a toxic trait to have, so don’t do that.

Let people live their own lives. Let them travel down a road of either a lesson of destruction or a blessing.

You may lose a friend in the process but as long as you are honest and sincere about your opinion, then maybe it’s for the best. Think about it, if you’re being honest to your best friend and they are offended then that’s on the not on you. Best friends are supposed to back each other up, protect each other, to be honest when no one will be honest to them, “respectful” to one another. You all know what I mean when I say respectful.

Now if only one side is trying and the other party is distant then, my friend, your friendship is over. I am sorry to say, but it is.

Just remember, this is not the end of the world, it may hurt like a kidney stone or a punch to the gut, but I promise it will pass. Just wish them well and be true to it and don’t forget to forgive them. Otherwise, you’d take your hurt or anger out on the next potential friend.

Don’t allow them to be disrespectful towards you. More importantly don’t be disrespectful to them. You don’t want to stoop down to their level of pettiness.

If you were meant to be friends, then nothing would come between the two of you. That means no girlfriend/ boyfriend, job, family etc, could ever pull you two apart.

Now, I know you are thinking of the past that the two of you had. Keep the good memories and don’t dwell on the guilt of losing that particular friend. Like I mentioned before, if you two are real best friends all of these feelings wouldn’t happen in the first place.

I’m not talking about one fight, I’m talking about many fights that don’t get resolved, even if you haven’t talked in years.

Mine ended because I got tired of it being one sided and being used then forgotten, when I wasn’t needed anymore. But this is a story for a different time.

All I ask is, just be true to yourself, have good intentions and keep your head up. Remember there are other people who would appreciate you being their friend, simply by being you.

Be kind to yourself,

Love me.