On this post for today I want to talk about quotes that I love and how I intricate them into my life. It’s funny but in reality, when something happens in my life, I feel that a quote is right there to make me feel better or it hits just right, making it into a lesson.
Quote for today:
“I post what I agree with, not what I’m going through. People tend to confuse the two.” – —Suraj Pathak
Is it just me or does anyone else get disrespectful comment on an automated post that is posted on your page? Or something you yourself has vented out into the web just so you can feel better cause you have no one to really talk to?

So, I am in a lot of groups that contains quotes, jokes, dark humor, writing, etc. And there will be quotes or sayings on there that I agree with that just hits home for me. While others, that I don’t agree with, I just scroll on by.
Sure, I may seem passive on some things, but it doesn’t always mean that I am that kind of a person. I am very open minded and if I don’t understand something, I ask….
I’ve should have known with people being so insecure and so easily offended on social media, that ALL the Karens and Kevins come out and have to put their two cents in, when in reality they themselves do not know the full story. But yet they want to say something to make it go their way. That’s fine, you are intitled to your own opinion but that does not mean that you need to go around and shove it down other people’s throats. That is not how the world works.
The way I see it, it is my social media. I will put on there any belief that I believe in or any content that I want, to my liking. Now I am sorry but not sorry that you feel offended but that is your problem and not mine. If you want to be a walking stroke waiting to happen, then be my guest. But I have no time or energy to even dwell on something another person has an opinion on that is differ from my own. Every problem can be solved by something.
Another way that I see it is, if it offends you so much then it must be true, or it really struck a soft spot that you want to cover up and hide. So, if the shoe fits, you might as well wear it to the ball Cinderella! If you don’t like it, change it, but do it for yourself, not what other people try and tell you what to do.
Now there are times where I post what I feel, giving me my right to just vent. Everybody needs something to help with that. Not to start a fight or a debate but just to vent and possibly get some feedback on what I am venting about. Now you may not agree with me and my thought process but that is okay. That is your choice, however I can choose if I want to follow that process or continue down my own road. So, there would be no need to shove disrespect down my throat when you do not or will not, know the whole story.
What I don’t understand is, instead of coming at a person and telling them that they are wrong, why don’t you just ask the person a few basic, humanly, questions. What makes them believe what they believe? Who knows it might change your mind. It could even be taken as a learning experience, rather than an insult.
So, the next time you read a post, don’t always assume that it’s about you. If you think it’s about you, then most likely it is. If it bothers you that much, figure it out, ask questions to see if it is true or not. Or you could just simply leave it alone. Let people post whatever they want. Not everyone will be on your side, which is fine, but you will know what is true and what’s not.

Don’t be a follower, lead your own path to your own happiness. No one holds that key but you.
How does this quote make you feel? Let me know down below of what you think?
Until next time!