I was asked what would I do if I won the lottery, The Mega million jackpot, what would I do with it?
Well, If I won the lottery, I would first:
- pay off all of my debts
- build my dream house (and sorry it isn’t a big one, just a simple one)
- a new car
- a new mortocycle
- take a few classes
- save back for emergency
- make a few of my daughters dreams come true
- then donate the rest
Let me explain.
I would like to pay off all of my debts from school, credit cards, Morgage, car payments. pay my car insurance and internet in a year’s advance, giving me the time to catch up on my bank account status.

For the new house, now don’t get me wrong, I love the house that I am in now, but I could use an upgrade, and this house was a life saver for me to get away. This one I would love to have a corner stone fireplace, hardwood floors, in every room. Five bedrooms would be nice. My bathroom would have a walk-in spiral shower, the mirror would have a vintage barn door slide to reveal shelves behind them, on both sides of the mirror. In the laundry room there would be a fold out table to fold out the clothes and organize them to go in baskets to get them to where they need to go. With me being an ad vide reader I want a huge and I mean a huge library! but along with this library it will be my Zen room/ office/ sunroom but hidden for only me to use. My little get away to well, get away. A Beautiful kitchen well lite to cook in with an island and lots of counter space and shelving. Meaning a walk-in pantry. A table to sit at near a floor to ceiling window, for family time. As for the outside of course there would be a front porch by why stop there? That thing will wrap itself around the whole house. Big enough to have rocking chairs, swings, hammocks, covered by a roof so we wouldn’t get rained on. There would be a place for a grill, table and fire pit to enjoy those summer days. Seeing that we live in Ohio I would like to have a finish basement but with concrete floors for us to maybe rollerblade around on in the winter months or on rainy days. The yard would depend on my daughters wants and the other want I want. Along with a three-car garage to store of course the cars, motorcycles, lawn mower and any other outdoor tools.
Why the new car? Well for my job I drive a lot! With some winters and our busy schedule, I like to be prepared but I would like to have a Highlander Hyundai Tucson and a Jeep Cherokee. Something that is easy on gas and big enough due to me and my daughter being so tall and enough to haul her sports luggage around.
As for the Motocycle, I already have a 2008 Honda Shadow Ace Sabra 1100, that I have practically rebuilt to being new with the help of my stepfather, but I would also like to own a Honda Rebell 1100 one day, but we will see. Why you say? It’s just pretty!!! lol A teal one with silver bars with black bags would be beautiful in my eyes.

Next on my list would be lessons/ classes that I learn on my own time. For instance, I would by Rosetta stone with the different languages. Learn, Spanish, Indonesian, be more advance in Cherokee, Irish, Greek, Latin for starters. Then pay for computer classes for writing classes, psychology, maybe take a dance class or cooking class. Learning something different just to peak my interests. Can’t hurt to learn new things or educate myself with more knowledge of what I want to learn.
I then would put back ten grand for my daughter, myself and for any emergency, to get that started. Then add another account for if any family or close friend that needs help getting back on their feet. Everybody or someone just need a little help once in a while. Why not pass it along?
As for my daughter, she always wanted a horse/ dog farm. She said she only wants one horse to ride maybe two for us to ride together but no more. I am thinking she realizes that they are a lot of work to take care of. Then there is the dog farm part. Bless her, her heart is in the right place. She wants to have a huge barn that is sectioned off for each dog and leveled for each floor so that way they will have a warm place and a bed to lay on and a roof to lay under. To keep it clean, at the back of each stall there will be a shoot to where we can push the old straw or debris from the dog’s room. Pull a lever and it will tilt up having gravity pull the old hay and debris down to wagon to be thrown out. Wide open space for the dogs to run and play to their hearts content until their life ends or if they are adopted. You see she just learned that some places euthanize dogs, and she felt really bad. She wants us to adopt all of them to give them a second chance and call the place that. Second Chance. I love the thought very much because I adore dogs. So, the yard question from up above, maybe 10 acers isn’t too much?

Last but not least, I would donate the rest to charity. I would split that up cause there are so many charities that I would love to donate too. St Jude’s Hospitals, Shelters around the world for Aspca, wounded warrior project to help our soldiers, regardless if they are wounded or not. They deserve to be taken care more for their sacrifice and bravery. Foster cares for children in general for help if they were abused, for their education, food clothing etc. Also, for the mental health organizations.
With the jack pot being $1.28 Billion (as of right now) I don’t need all that money. I know the things I want seem sort of selfish but the way I think about it is, if I have a steady ground then I can help those around who don’t. Just until they are on their feet. Hence the reason for the spare bedrooms and double SUVs so they have a place to stay and a working vehicle. Then that ten grand would be helpful for Maintenace if needed or clothes for them to wear.
If you won, the lottery what would you do with your money?